Home Marine Corals LPS Hard Coral Species Profiles Candy Cane Coral
Candy Cane Coral
(Caulastrea furcata)
Quick Care Facts
• Care Level: Easy • Temperament: Peaceful • Waterflow: Medium
• Placement: All • Lighting: Moderate • Color Form: Blue-Green, Brown-Green, Yellow-Green
• Supplements: Calcium, Strontium, Trace Elements • Water Conditions: 72-78º F; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4
• Origin: Indo-Pacific • Family: Faviidae • Species: LPS Hard Corals

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Native Habitat and Species Information
Candy Cane Coral native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.
The Candy Cane Coral is a large polyp stony (LPS) coral often referred to as either Trumpet, Torch, Candy, or Bullseye Coral. Its genus name, Caulastrea, comes from the Latin kaulos (stalk), and aster (star) describing its skeletal structure consisting of tubular stalks with stars on each tip. The large circular polyps are vibrant green, yellow, blue and brown. The Candy Cane Coral from Fiji are generally a brilliant greenish/teal and brown, and the tips are white.
With quality lighting such as metal halides or combination 10,000k & actinic blue power compacts, the Candy Cane Coral will stand out amongst the crowd with it's brilliant coloration. As corals go the Candy Cane coral is a hardy species when kept in an environment with moderate water movemoment and medium to strong lighting.
Aquarium Care
How to successfully keep Candy Cane Coral in the home aquarium.
The Candy Cane Coral requires moderate water movement and moderate to strong lighting in the aquarium environment. It makes a great addition to the reef aquarium with its' brilliant coloration and passive nature. Unlike many corals, the Candy Cane coral has very short sweeper tentacles, which allows it to be kept in close quarters with other corals without harming them. Due to its need for only moderate lighting combined with very short sweeper tentacles, the Candy Cane coral can live in many areas within a reef aquarium and do very well.
Feeding & Nutrition
How to feed and provide proper nutrition for Candy Cane Coral.
The Candy Cane coral has short sweeper tentacles, which will necesitate the need to provide some supplemental nutrients through weekly feedings of either brine shrimp or micro-plankton. As with most other corals the Candy Cane coral will also benefit from the addition of calcium, strontium, and other trace elements to the water.

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