Home Marine Corals LPS Hard Coral Species Profiles Open Brain Coral
Open Brain Coral
(Trachyphyllia radiata)
Quick Care Facts
• Care Level: Moderate • Temperament: Semi-aggressive • Waterflow: Medium
• Placement: Bottom • Lighting: Moderate to High • Color Form: Green, Red, Pink, Brown
• Supplements: Calcium, Strontium, Trace Elements • Water Conditions: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025
• Origin: Indo-Pacific • Family: Trachyphylliidae • Species: LPS Hard Corals

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Native Habitat and Species Information
Open Brain Coral native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.
The Open Brain Coral is a Large Polyp Stony (LPS) coral, sometimes referred to as the Pacific Rose Coral, or Wellsophyllia/Trachyphyllia Brain Coral. They are not connected to the substrate and can be easily collected from the reef when mature. They are often found in varying shades of metallic green and are characterized by their irregular round shape, deep impressions and fused walls with numerous folds.
Originally these species were identified as Wellsophyllia corals being separate from Trachyphyllia corals. This distinction is less commonly used now, and the Wellsophyllia Brain Coral is often referred to now as a Trachyphyllia radiata coral, thus making the two interchangeable. All of their characteristics including feeding, lighting and water movement requirements are identical.
Aquarium Care
How to successfully keep Open Brain Coral in the home aquarium.
Wellsophyllia/Trachyphyllia Brain Corals do does best in a well established reef aquarium that incorporates moderate to strong lighting and a moderate water current within the aquarium, along with the addition of calcium, strontium, and other trace elements to the water. These corals prefer to be placed on a sandy substrate, with plenty of space between it and other corals, as it is sensitive to stings from its neighbors. It is advisable to locate these corals someplace on the reef that will keep them well separated from all neighbors and even provide some extra space to roam.
Feeding & Nutrition
How to feed and provide proper nutrition for Open Brain Coral.
Wellsophyllia/Trachyphyllia Brain Corals utilize the symbiotic algae zooxanthellae from which it receives the majority of its nutrition through photosynthesis. They also benefit from occasional feedings of meaty items, like shrimp, clam and squid. They should only be offered food when the tentacles are fully expanded, which is typically during the night time hours.

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