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Dwarf Orange Crayfish

(Cambarellus patzcuarensis sp. Orange)

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 Quick Care Facts

• Care Level: Easy   • Temperament: Peaceful   • Maximum Size: 2"
• Minimum Tank Size: 5 gallons   • Water Conditions: 64-80° F, pH 6.8-8.0, KH 12-15
• Color Forms: Orange, Tan   • Diet: Omnivore   • Origin: Selective Breeding
• Family: Cambaridae   • Species: Crayfish   • Aquarium Type: Crayfish

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Species Information

Dwarf Orange Crayfish native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.

The Dwarf Orange Crayfish (Cambarellus patzcuarensis sp. Orange) is a wonderfully attractive selectively bred Crayfish that is priced for its coloration, temperament and small size. German breeders were able to combine multiple strains of Cambarellus patzcuarensis to obtain the wonderful orange coloration and small size of the Orange Dwarf Crayfish.

Overall this species is very peaceful and should not bother live plants, fish or other inverts unless very hungry or if the fish or invert is extremely small. Unlike many of the larger ornamental crayfish who become more aggressive towards small fish, the Dwarf Orange Crayfish maintains a small size and peaceful demeanor, which makes them ideal substrate cleaners for peaceful community aquariums.

Aquarium Care

How to successfully keep Dwarf Orange Crayfish in the home aquarium.

Dwarf Orange Crayfish have very minimal husbandry requirements;however, an ideal setup would contain a soil/gravel substrate, rock or driftwood hiding places, some plants and a basic filter to maintain water quality and oxygenate the water.

Hobbyists looking to keep multiple specimens should make sure that their is a hiding place for each specimen in order to limit aggression and provide a comfortable environment. Fish species like Loaches or many Cichlid species should be avoided as they will feed on moulting and young crayfish.

Feeding & Nutrition

How to properly feed Dwarf Orange Crayfish and provide a healthy diet.

Like most crayfish, the Dwarf Orange Crayfish is an omnivore and will eat a variety of decaying plant matter, meaty foods, detritus and even a very small slow swimming fish if he can catch one. They are not aggressive towards fish, plants or other crayfish, but may predate on extremely small fish or fry.

They do best when fed a diet containing a variety of foods including: blanched vegetables (carrots, spinach, peas, zucchini, squash, etc.), spirulina tabs, artemia, krill, tubifex worms, white worms, chopped earthworms, blood worms, commercial flake and pellet foods.

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