Home Freshwater Invertebrates Malaysian Trumpet Snail
Malaysian Trumpet Snail
(Melanoides tuberculata)
Quick Care Facts
• Care Level: Easy • Temperament: Peaceful • Maximum Size: 1"
• Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons • Water Conditions: 68-80° F, dkh 9-13, pH 7.0-8.0
• Color Forms: Varied • Diet: Omnivore • Origin: Malaysia
• Family: Thiaridae • Species: Snails • Aquarium Type: Snails

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Species Information
Malaysian Trumpet Snail native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.
For aquarium hobbyist's who are looking for a beneficial snail species to consume excess algae and detritus in their planted or tropical community aquarium, they need look no further then the Malaysian Trumpet Snail. Malaysian Trumpet Snail are an attractive species of tropical snails that have a variety of shapes, colors and patterns which provide not only aesthetic beauty, but bring functional utility as well.
They are renowned for their ability to clean algae from aquarium glass, plants and rocks; as well as, burrowing into the substrate to eat detritus and aerate the substrate. All in all they bring a lot of biological benefits to the aquarium and look good while they do it. While some snails have developed a reputation as an aquarium pest, the Malaysian Trumpet Snail has firmly established itself as a very desirable addition to any tropical community or planted community aquarium.
Aquarium Care
How to successfully keep Malaysian Trumpet Snail in the home aquarium.
Malaysian Trumpet Snail's do very well in a variety of tropical aquarium setups ranging from shrimp tanks to community fish and planted aquariums. They can handle a relatively wide range of temperatures and water conditions, given that the changes are gradual.
While they do not have specific aquarium requirements, they do best in established aquariums that have stable water conditions and existing algae and detritus on which they can feed. Malaysian Trumpet Snail's have become very popular within the hobby as they do not tend to over multiply and will not consume live plants or sinking foods meant for bottom dwelling fish or inverts.
They are also quite beneficial as they clean and aerate the aquarium substrate and clean algae from aquarium glass and plants. They should not be exposed to copper or copper based medicines as these can harm or kill snails and other invertebrates.
Feeding & Nutrition
How to properly feed Malaysian Trumpet Snail and provide a healthy diet.
The Malaysian Trumpet Snail's diet is ideal for the community aquarium hobbyist, as they consume both algae and detritus. They do not harm live plants and can even benefit them by eating algae that grows on the plants leaves. Malaysian Trumpet Snail's should not need supplemental feeding when kept in established planted or community aquariums as they will generally find plenty of detritus in the substrate and algae growth to keep them well fed. However, in less established aquariums they can be fed sinking algae pellets or wafers to supplement their diet.
Breeding Information
How to successfully breed Malaysian Trumpet Snail in the aquarium environment.
Like most tropical snail species, the Malaysian Trumpet Snail is a prolific breeder that will multiply based on the conditions and amount of food available to them. When kept in an aquarium without an over-abundance of algae or detritus, the Malaysian Trumpet Snail should not breed to problematic levels.
In fact if the Malaysian Trumpet Snail begins to breed too large of numbers, it is a clear sign that the aquarium has an over-abundance of detritus or algae present in the system. Malaysian Trumpet Snail produce live young instead of eggs and do not have any special breeding requirements.

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