Home Freshwater Plants Anubias nana
Anubias nana
(Anubias nana)
Quick Care Facts
• Care Level: Easy • Lighting: Medium • Maximum Size: 8"
• Placement: Foreground • Water Conditions: 72-85° F, pH 5.5-7.5, KH 3-8
• Propagation: Rhizome Division • Color Forms: Green
Supplements: CO2 Fertilization, High Quality Substrate Fertilizer
• Origin: Africa • Family: Araceae

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Species Information
Anubias nana native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.
Native to the tropical regions of Africa and characterized by dark green leaves that grow in low clumps, Anubias nana is considered a slow grower, but is extremely hardy and undemanding. Anubias nana's foilage is usually pointed to ovate and has diagonal lines running from the center vein to the leaf perimeter.
Anubias plants will take root on rough rocks or driftwood, which is the best way to encourage growth because the species grows much better when light hits its rhizome (root system). Anubias nana will grow an extensive root system into your substrate, but burying the rhizome in the substrate should be avoided as it will drastically slow growth.
Aquarium Care
How to successfully keep Anubias nana in the home aquarium.
Although Anubias nana has medium light requirements, it should be planted in shade or low light to restrict algae growth on the leaves. This is a great species for a tank with Herbivorous fish and/or Cichlids as most fish tend to leave this tough plant alone.
Propagation Information
How to propagate Anubias nana.
Anubias nana is very adaptable to a wide range of water hardness, pH, and lighting conditions. They have medium light requirements, but will need quality substrate fertilizer for optimal growth. Anubias nana propagates by side shoots on the rhizome (rhizome division).
Manual propagation is relatively easy and is done by cutting the plant at the root with very sharp, sterilized scissors. Unlike most Anubias species, nana is known to respond to CO2 supplementation.

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