Home Freshwater Plants Balansae Plant
Balansae Plant
(Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae)
Quick Care Facts
• Care Level: Moderate • Lighting:Medium • Maximum Size: 30"
• Placement: Background • Water Conditions: 74-85° F, pH 6.0-7.5, KH 3-8, dH 6-15
• Propagation: Runners, Seeds • Color Forms: Green, Tan
Supplements: Trace Elements, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, CO2 Fertilization
• Origin: Asia • Family: Araceae

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Native Habitat and Species Information
Balansae Plant native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.
Cryptocoryne crispulata var. balansae (also known as the Balansae plant) originates from flowing rivers and streams in Thailand, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia. Characterized by extremely long, thin leaves with ruffled edges and short stems, they are often found in dense colonies with leaves extending across the water's surface.
There are two variations of the Balansae plant in the hobby; one is generally green while the other gets an attractive bronzing.
Aquarium Care
How to successfully keep Balansae Plant in the home aquarium.
The Balansae plant requires a moderate amount of maintenance and is considered to be a slow, but steady grower and do not like to be moved once they are established. In optimal conditions the Balansae Plant will easily grow to be over 24 inches tall with leaves at least an inch wide.
Balansae plants can also be grown in ponds by potting the plant and placing it in 1-2 feet of water. Once established, the potted plant can be moved to deeper areas. The Balansae plant should not be considered safe in a tank with herbivorous fish species.
Feeding & Nutrition
How to feed and supplement the Balansae Plant.
The Balansae plant will benefit from regular additions of CO2, high quality iron-rich fertilizers, as well as trace elements. Due to the limestone composition in the soil of the rivers in its native environment, the Balansae plant originates in hard water which is loaded with calcium, Therefore, the Balansae plant requires calcium supplementation (in the substrate via tablet or through the water column with calcium carbonate).
Calcium deficiency will cause new leaves to grow twisted and deformed, and the Balansae plant will "melt" if it's not in a stable environment. The Balansae plant requires a moderate level of light at 2 to 3 watts per gallon with full spectrum (5000-7000K) bulbs. Given sufficient lighting, it will develop the attractive puckering and ruffling of the leaves for which it is known.
Propagation Information
How to propagate and grow Balansae Plant.
Established Balansae plants will send out runners, often outgrowing their intended area. Occasional trimming of the runners is recommended using a sterile razor blade or very sharp, sterilized scissors. For propagation, allow the new plant to form its own leaves prior to separating it from the mother plant.
The Balansae plant can also reproduce from tubular inflorescences (flower clusters) and well established plants have the best chance of flowering under moderate to high lighting.

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