Home Freshwater Plants Chain Sword - Narrow Leaf
Chain Sword - Narrow Leaf
(Echinodorus tenellus)
Quick Care Facts
• Care Level: Moderate • Lighting: Medium • Maximum Size: 8"
• Placement: Foreground, Midground • Water Conditions: 68-84° F, pH 6.0-7.5, KH 3-8
• Propagation: Adventitious Plants, Runners, Seeds • Color Forms: Green
Supplements: High Quality Liquid and Substrate Fertilizer
• Origin: North, Central and South America • Family: Alismataceae

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Species Information
Chain Sword - Narrow Leaf native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.
Echinodorus tenellus, also known as the Chain Sword - Narrow Leaf, and the Pygmy Chain Sword, is the smallest species of the Alismataceae family. The Chain Sword is found throughout North, Central, and South America, especially in southern Brazil and southeastern North America.
It is rarely found in running water, instead being found normally in wet sand on the shores of lakes and ponds or in inundated zones of rivers. The Chain Sword has linear leaves, almost without petioles (the stalk by which a leaf is attached to the stem).
Feeding & Nutrition
How to successfully keep Chain Sword - Narrow Leaf in the home aquarium.
With moderate lighting of at least 2 to 3 watts per gallon with full spectrum (5000-7000K) bulbs and a fine and rich substrate (thick sand or fine gravel), it will thrive and spread quickly.
The Chain Sword will form a thick "carpet" over the substrate, with its numerous runners. The Chain Sword will also greatly benefit from a nutrient rich substrate as well as CO2 supplementation.
Propagation Information
How to propagate Chain Sword - Narrow Leaf.
Propagate the Chain Sword with runners that grow off of mature, healthy plants. When the "baby" is approximately half the size of the "parent", cut the roots and plant the "baby" by itself. The Chain Sword may occasionally produce seeds that can be used to propagate new plants, and the Chain Sword will also produce adventitious shoots to be used for propagation.

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