Home Freshwater Plants Dwarf Hairgrass
Dwarf Hairgrass
(Eleocharis acicularis)
Quick Care Facts
• Care Level: Moderate • Lighting: Medium to High • Maximum Size: 6"
• Placement: Foreground • Water Conditions: 70-84° F, pH 5.0-8.0, KH 4-8
• Propagation: Runners • Color Forms: Green
Supplements: High Quality Liquid and Substrate Fertilizer, CO2 Supplementaion
• Origin: North America • Family: Apiaceae

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Species Information
Dwarf Hairgrass native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.
Eleocharis acicularis, also known as Dwarf Hairgrass, is native to North America and is a fast growing species with long, light green, grass-like leaves that will eventually form a dense "carpet" over substrate. While this plant can grow upwards of 6 inches in height, many hobbyists prefer to continually trim the plant in order to create a lush, thick carpet across the bottom of the aquarium.
In order to avoid having the plant quickly die off, it is important to make sure that the water is fully cycled and mature before introducing this species to the aquarium. Poor water quality conditions and/or substrate conditions, will often cause the Dwarf Hairgrass plant to simply melt away as it quickly dies off.
While it is not the most demanding plant you'll have in your tank, it does require medium-high to high lighting and nutrient heavy substrate with additional fertilizing; however, with these conditions met, it will explode with lush, green growth.
Aquarium Care
How to successfully keep Dwarf Hairgrass in the home aquarium.
For best results under optimal conditions, plant Dwarf Hairgrass in small half inch groups in the substrate at roughly one inch intervals. Established colonies of Dwarf Hairgrass provide an ideal environment for spawning fish to lay their eggs. Bottom feeding fish will also benefit from this species as they will forage within it and remove debris that can accumulate over time.
Feeding & Nutrition
How to propagate Dwarf Hairgrass.
In a fine-grained, nutrient-rich substrate and a lighting intensity of at least 3 watts per gallon with full spectrum (5000-7000K) bulbs, Dwarf Hairgrass will thrive and quickly form a dense carpet over the entire aquarium substrate. This species will also benefit from CO2 supplementation and additional dosing of plant fertilizers designed for freshwater aquarium plants.
Propagation Information
How to propagate Dwarf Hairgrass.
Dwarf Hairgrass propagates with runners that branch off from the root area and cuttings from a mature plant can be replanted in the substrate to form new plants. It grows exceptionally fast and will quickly cover the bottom of the aquarium.

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