Home Freshwater Plants Green Cabomba
Green Cabomba
(Cabomba caroliniana)
Quick Care Facts
• Care Level: Moderate • Lighting:Medium to High • Maximum Size: 36"
• Placement: Background • Water Conditions: 72-85° F, pH 5.0-7.0, KH 3-8
• Propagation: Cuttings • Color Forms: Green
Supplements: High Quality Liquid and/or Subtrate Fertilization
• Origin: North and South America • Family: Cabombaceae

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Native Habitat and Species Information
Green Cabomba native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.
Cabomba caroliniana var. caroliniana, also known as Carolina Fanwort and Green Cabomba, originates from acidic lakes, ponds, and rivers in regions in both North and South America. Its has feathery, lime-green, forked leaves, which are divided into narrow segments and offer an interesting texture that will contrast well with other plants and driftwood. Green Cabomba is a densely growing plant that makes an excellent, natural background in a planted aquarium.
Aquarium Care
How to successfully keep Green Cabomba in the home aquarium.
Under optimal conditions, the tips of Green Cabomba can easily reach the surface of an average aquarium within a week or so and will eventually cover it entirely. However, if lighting is insufficient, the plant will exhaust itself quickly and growth will slow to a crawl. Trim the tops and propagate the cuttings for the freshest appearance.
If left untrimmed, the lower portions of each stalk will have insufficient lighting and loose their foliage. Lateral branching in Green Cabomba is not common but it can occur; especially on long shoots allowed to float below the surface. Liquid fertilization and a rich or regularly fertilized substrate is important and considerably enhances robust growth.
Feeding & Nutrition
How to feed and supplement the Green Cabomba.
Green Cabomba will react to nutrient deficiency with darkened leaves, slowed growth, and elongated internodes. Excessive foliage shedding is usually a sign of poor water conditions or CO2 deficiency. CO2 supplementation is not required but will greatly enhance growth. Green Cabomba seems to thrive on light above all else and should be given moderate to high lighting at 2 to 3 watts per gallon with full spectrum (5000-7000K) bulbs.
Propagation Information
How to propagate and grow Green Cabomba.
Green Cabomba can be propagated by trimming branches from the main plant and pressing their stems at least 1" into substrate. The "topping" method is the best way to propagate this species; if the bottom portion of a trimmed shoot is left in the substrate, it will produce a new growth tip from its highest node. Under good conditions, this species grows very quickly and requires frequent pruning.
For an optimal effect, place the cuttings in groups along the back or sides of your aquarium. Cuttings placed in substrate will slowly grow new root systems and their growth will accelerate. For optimal effect, place the cuttings in groups along the back or sides of your aquarium. Cuttings placed in substrate will slowly grow new root systems and their growth will accelerate.

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