Home Freshwater Plants Kleiner Bar Sword
Kleiner Bar Sword
(Echinodorus Kleiner Bar)
Quick Care Facts
• Care Level: Easy • Lighting: Medium to High • Maximum Size: 20"
• Placement: Midground • Water Conditions: 72-84° F, pH 5.0-7.5, KH 8-12
• Propagation: Adventitious Shoots, Rhizome • Color Forms: Green, Rust, Red
Supplements: High Quality Substrate Fertilizer
• Origin: South America • Family: Alismataceae

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Native Habitat and Species Information
Kleiner Bar Sword native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.
Echinodorus 'Kleiner Bar', also known as the Kleiner Bar Sword, originates in South America and is a hybrid between Echinodorus barthii and Echinodorus uruguayensis. Under optimal conditions, this species grows quickly and its leaves have a deep red coloration. The Kleiner Bar Sword will grow to reach 20+ inches tall and is often used as a large, beautiful centerpiece in many aquariums.
Aquarium Care
How to successfully keep Kleiner Bar Sword in the home aquarium.
Although high intensity lighting and CO2 injection will promote vigorous growth (a new leaf, weekly, is not uncommon), the Kleiner Bar Sword will flourish under moderate lighting of at least 2 watts per gallon from full spectrum (5000-7000K) bulbs. The Kleiner Bar Sword requires a nutrient rich substrate and substrate fertilizer will greatly enhance the health and coloration of this species.
Propagation Information
How to propagate and grow Kleiner Bar Sword.
The Kleiner Bar Sword propagates by rhizome division or adventitious shoots that grow naturally off of healthy mature plants. Once the new plant establishes a root system, cut it at the root with very sharp, sterilized scissors and replant the "baby" plant into the substrate. Newly propagated plants can also be left floating for a period of time as they will get more lighting and grow out their root structure faster.

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