Home Freshwater Plants Madagascar Lace
Madagascar Lace
(Aponogeton madagascariensis)
Quick Care Facts
• Care Level: Difficult • Lighting: High • Maximum Size: 25"
• Placement: Midground to Background • Water Conditions: 70-80° F, pH 6.0-7.5, KH 3-8
• Propagation: Bulbs, Seeds • Color Forms: Dark to Lime-Green
Supplements: Iron, Trace Elements, CO2 Supplementation
• Origin: Madagascar • Family: Aponogetonaceae

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Native Habitat and Species Information
Madagascar Lace native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.
Aponogeton madagascariensis, also known as Madagascar Lace, originates in moving water on the island of Madagascar. Madagascar Lace has long, fenestrated leaves that are very broad and have a delicate lace-like appearance. This species makes a beautiful centerpiece for any aquarium.
Aquarium Care
How to successfully keep Madagascar Lace in the home aquarium.
Madagascar Lace prefers a substrate that is low in organic matter and nutrient rich substrates should be avoided. If the plant starts to develop dead spots on established leaves, trim off the dead areas so the decay will not spread to the entire leaf; this is also a sign of having it in a substrate that is too rich.
Madagascar Lace will thrive with regular additions of iron-rich, liquid nutrients, trace elements, and CO2 injection. This species also requires high intensity lighting of 3 to 5 watts per gallon from full spectrum (5000-7000K) bulbs.
Propagation Information
How to propagate and grow Madagascar Lace.
Propagation of Madagascar Lace occurs via bulb separation or the formation of seeds. If seeds are produced, they will be released with waterproof, fleshy coats that allow them to float for a couple of days until the seed coat disintegrates, releasing the embryo, which sinks and immediately tries to root itself. Once the separated bulbs or seedlings develop root systems and immature leaves, they can be transplanted to grow on their own.

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