Home Freshwater Plants Moneywort
(Bacopa monnieri)
Quick Care Facts
• Care Level: Moderate • Lighting: Medium to High • Maximum Size: 20"
• Placement: Midground to Background • Water Conditions: 72-84° F, pH 6.0-7.5, KH 3-8
• Propagation: Cuttings, Seeds • Color Forms: Green
Supplements: High Quality Aquarium Fertilizer
• Origin: Southeast Asia • Family: Scropulariacase

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Native Habitat and Species Information
Moneywort native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.
Bacopa monnieri, also known as Brahmi among herbalists and Moneywort among aquarists, is a marsh plant native to India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Florida. Moneywort has bright-green leaves that make for a nice contrast with other plants in the aquarium.
Aquarium Care
How to successfully keep Moneywort in the home aquarium.
Moneywort is hardy stem plant that will thrive under optimal conditions and can easily reach 20 inches in height; If left untrimmed under high light intensity, it will eventually reach the surface of the water and continue to grow horizontally. To reach optimal growing conditions, Moneywort requires a minimum of 2 to 3 watts per gallon from full spectrum (5000°K-7000°K) bulbs in addition to quality liquid nutrient dosing, and a rich substrate. CO2 injection is not required, but will enhance growth and vigor.
Propagation Information
How to propagate and grow Moneywort.
Moneywort typically propagates from cuttings; white roots will form at leaf nodes and when the roots reach 1 inch, cut the stem 1 inch below the roots and gently press it into the substrate. If allowed to reach the surface and horizontal growth is under way, Moneywort will put roots out at each surfacing leaf node; once the roots are at least 1 inch in length, cut each root section 1 inch below the stem and gently press them into the substrate as well.

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