Home    Freshwater Plants    Tonina Fluviatilis

Tonina Fluviatilis

(Tonina fluviatilis)

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 Quick Care Facts

• Care Level: Difficult   • Lighting:High   • Maximum Size: 14"
• Placement: Midground   • Water Conditions: 72-84° F, pH 4.5-7.0, KH 0-7, gH 1-5
• Propagation: Cuttings   • Color Forms: Lime-Green, Green
Supplements: Iron, Trace Elements, CO2 Supplementation
• Origin: South America   • Family: Eriocaulonaceae

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Native Habitat and Species Information

Tonina Fluviatilis native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.

Tonina fluviatilis is an exceptionally attractive species that is native to South America, that grows in dense mats within shallow, slow-moving, blackwater rivers and streams.

The Tonina fluviatilis is considered a demanding plant and requires the knowledge of an experienced hobbyist. Tonina fluviatilis is an excellent choice for a mid-ground to background plant due to its beautiful, lime-green foliage.

Aquarium Care

How to successfully keep Tonina Fluviatilis in the home aquarium.

Tonina fluviatilis thrives in soft water and requires an acidic, nutrient-rich substrate. This species demands high intensity lighting of at least 3.5 watts per gallon from full spectrum (5000-7000°K) bulbs. CO2 injection is a necessity and must be done on a regular basis.

Tonina fluviatilis is actually not too demanding when it comes to liquid fertilization, although it will need normal doses of iron and trace elements.

Propagation Information

How to propagate and grow Tonina Fluviatilis.

For propagation of Tonina fluviatilis, cut off the side-shoots with a pair of sharp, sterilized scissors and gently replant the top two inches of each stem into the substrate and they eventually will grow back as clean, healthy plants.

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