Home Large Bottom Dwellers Crystal Eyed Catfish
Crystal Eyed Catfish
(Hemibagrus wyckii)
Quick Care Facts
• Care Level: Moderate • Temperament: Aggressive • Maximum Size: 28"
• Minimum Tank Size: 350 gallons • Water Conditions: 72-79° F, KH 5-20, pH 6.0-7.5
• Diet: Omnivore • Origin: South East Asia, Indonesia & Thailand • Family: Bagridae
• Species: Large Catfish • Aquarium Type: Large-Bottom-Dweller

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Species Information
Crystal Eyed Catfish native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.
Crystal Eyed Catfish (Hemibagrus wyckii) originate from the rivers and streams of South East Asia, ranging from Thailand to Indonesia. They are both an admired and feared species of catfish due to their attractive appearance and ferocious demeanor. Crystal Eyed Catfish are well known for their aggressive behavior which includes attacking and eating fish similar in size to themselves and their lack of fear towards larger predators and even human beings.
Currently, Crystal Eyed Catfish are being aqua-cultured in South East Asia for both the food and aquarium markets. While they are certainly both rare and exotic within the aquarium hobby, they are available from time to time and are popular with who enjoy keeping truly "monster" fish. They are a truly beautiful species of large catfish, with their sleek stream-lined bodies and dark charcoal and white coloration. However, it can not be stated enough that this species is incredibly aggressive toward other fish species and even their owners.
This species is not recommended for beginning hobbyists and should usually be maintained in an aquarium by themselves unless kept by an advanced hobbyist with a very large aquarium and suitably large and aggressive tank mates. Crystal Eyed Catfish are very interesting, have strong personalities and have a definite "cool" factor to them, but with that said they are only suitable for a very select group of hobbyists with both the experience and resources to house a large hyper aggressive species as this.
Aquarium Care
How to successfully keep Crystal Eyed Catfish in the home aquarium.
Hobbyists looking to keep a Crystal Eyed Catfish need to have experience dealing with large aggressive species, with this particular fish being truly the domain of the "monster" fish keeper. Best kept in a single specimen aquarium, the Crystal Eyed Catfish can reach sizes over 2 feet in length, and will need and aquarium that measures at least 8 feet by 3 feet by 3 feet or larger for an adult specimen.
They prefer aquariums that are more dimly lit than the standard aquarium, with a few shaded areas of driftwood, vegetation or rocky tunnel like areas to retreat to when not swimming about the aquarium. Crystal Eyed Cats are very difficult to keep with other tank mates as smaller species will be eaten, similar sized species will be attacked and most likely eaten and even larger fish species can be attacked and killed depending on the particular specimen and aquarium setup.
Advanced hobbyists with very large aquariums have succeeded in housing this species with other very large aggressive species by raising them up with larger tank mates in a very large aquarium that provides plenty of territory for all species housed. It should also be noted that Crystal Eyed Catfish (Hemibagrus wyckii) have shown aggression towards their owners and need to be watched carefully while performing tank maintenance or other times when hands and arms are placed inside the aquarium.
Feeding & Nutrition
How to properly feed Crystal Eyed Catfish and provide a healthy diet.
Without a doubt, Crystal Eyed Catfish are aggressive eaters that will essentially consume any meaty food that fits in their mouths. However, not all foods contain the same level of nutrition, thus it is important to feed them a balanced diet of nutritional foods. Crystal Eyed Catfish living in the wild will make up the vast majority of their diet from eating insects, prawns, crustaceans and fish.
In the home aquarium they can be fed live fish, crustaceans, worms, meaty based frozen or pellet foods ranging from krill and fish flesh to pellets specifically made for large Catfish and other large freshwater carnivores. They will also readily accept uncooked table foods like market shrimp, clams, mussels, fish fillets, chicken livers and similar meaty items.

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