Home Marine Fish Foxface / Rabbitfish Species Profiles Bicolor Foxface
Bicolor Foxface
(Siganus uspi)
Quick Care Facts
• Care Level: Easy • Temperament: Peaceful • Maximum Size: 10"
• Minimum Tank Size: 125 gallons • Water Conditions: 72-80° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
• Diet: Herbivore • Origin: Fiji, Western Pacific
• Family: Siganidae • Species: Foxface-Rabbit • Aquarium Type: Reef Compatible

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Native Habitat and Species Information
Bicolor Foxface native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.
The Bicolor Foxface (Siganus uspi) has been a popular fish species amongst large reef aquarium hobbyists for a long time. Their coloration, unique shape and propensity for consuming large amounts of algae and other marine vegetation make them both an attractive and beneficial addition to the reef aquarium.
In the wild they are found on the edges of coral reefs and rocky reef slopes that dot the western Pacific ocean. While generally considered a reef safe species, they may nibble on some soft & LPS corals if not sufficiently fed. Despite their relatively large size, they are active and graceful swimmers that do well swimming about crowded reef aquariums.
Bicolor Foxface truly revel in swimming and algae grazing, thus really do require an aquarium with plenty of open swimming area and plenty of rocks on which to graze for algae. This species should only be added to well establish large reef or FOWLR aquariums that provide for plenty of algae grazing opportunities. If added to a newer aquarium or one with minimal rocky reef scape, the Bicolor Foxface should be provided frequent supplemental feedings of algae rich food and provided dried seaweed or green leafy vegetables like green leaf lettuce.
Their larger size allows them to be kept with many of the less aggressive predatory fish species, while their graceful swimming and algae consumption make them suitable for reef and mixed reef aquariums as well.
Aquarium Care
How to successfully keep Bicolor Foxface in the home aquarium.
Keeping the Bicolored Foxface in the home aquarium is relatively straight forward and not too difficult. Their primary need is for an adequately sized aquarium of at least 6 feet in length and 125 gallons or more in volume. Bicolored Foxface are very active swimmers who need significant space to swim within the aquarium.
Plenty of live rock within the aquarium is ideal as this will provide the Bicolored Foxface both with places to hide when threatened and with additional algae grazing feeding opportunities. The relatively large size of this species combined with their peaceful demeanor make them well suited to be housed with a wide variety of other fish species. They are generally too large for larger semi-aggressive fish to bother and due to their peaceful nature they will not bother smaller fish species.
If insufficient food is available, the Bicolor Foxface may nibble on some soft corals and LPS; however, in general they can be kept with pretty much any coral, invertebrate or crustacean species found within the typical reef or FOWLR aquarium. Hobbyists of any experience level should have no problems keeping this species provided their aquarium is large enough, they maintain reasonable water parameters and feed plant and algae based foods.
Feeding & Nutrition
How to feed and provide proper nutrition for Bicolor Foxface.
The Bicolor Foxface is a herbivore that require mainly plant and alge based foods in their diet. While they may consume some meaty foods, their diet should have a substantially higher proportion of plant matter, seaweed and algae in their diet compared to meaty food items. In the wild they will eat large quantities of marine plants like Caulerpa and other similar macro-algae. In the aquarium environment they are most often fed marine seaweed and frozen preparations designed for herbivores.
They will also consume some meaty foods like mysis shrimp, brine shrimp and flake or frozen preparations designed for omnivores and herbivores. In addition to regular direct feedings, the Bicolored Foxface should be provided with grazing opportunities via a vegetable clip containing seaweed, green leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce or via algae growth on live rock.
All Rabbitfish have venomous spines.
The Bicolor Foxface like all Rabbitfishes, has venomous spines on their dorsal, pectoral and anal fins. While not fatal to humans, their sting can be extremely painful. Most injuries to hobbyists occur when they attempt to handle the Rabbitfish without wearing gloves. Hobbyists should use plastic collection containers while wearing gloves if they need to catch or move Rabbitfish.

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