Home Marine Fish Basslet Species Macneill's Assessor Basslet
Macneill's Assessor Basslet
(Assessor macneilli)
Quick Care Facts
• Care Level: Easy • Temperament: Semi-aggressive • Maximum Size: 3"
• Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons • Water Conditions: 74-80° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
• Diet: Carnivore • Origin: Western Pacific
• Family: Grammidae • Species: Basslets • Aquarium Type: Reef Compatible

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Native Habitat and Species Information
Macneill's Assessor Basslet native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.
Macneill's Assessor Basslet is an extremely hardy and attractive species that is also commonly referred to as the Blue Assessor Basslet. Macneill's Assessor Basslet mainly feeds on tiny crustaceans and planktonic life within its native range throughout the tropical Western Pacific Ocean. Macneill's Assessor Basslet does very well in nearly any size reef tank, but are very popular for "nano" aquariums due to their small maximum size of 3".
Macneill's Assessor Basslets are relatively peaceful and will coexist well with other reef inhabitants, but can become territorial and aggressive with conspecifics that have not been added at the same time; they will generally stand their ground with similar sized species that try to bully them. Unfortunately the Macneill's Assessor Basslet is not frequently imported, making them hard to find at times and giving them a higher price tag (around $100) on average.
Aquarium Care
How to successfully keep Macneill's Assessor Basslet in the home aquarium.
Single or paired Macneill's Assessor Basslets should be housed in an aquarium of at least 30 gallons (55+ gallons for 3 or more) and must be provided with plenty of live rock for territory and shelter. A sealed or hooded aquarium is recommended as they can be jumpers when they are startled. Considered to be "reef safe", the Macneill's Assessor Basslet will not pose a threat to coral species or sessile invertebrates, but should not be housed with tiny shrimp species (larger, cleaner shrimp and other ornamental species are fine).
They are relatively peaceful and can usually be observed in close proximity to their favorite cave or are frequently seen cruising along the substrate and live rock searching zooplankton and other tiny crustaceans. They should be housed with peaceful to semi-aggressive tank mates, but multiple specimens should be added to the aquarium at the same time.
Feeding & Nutrition
How to feed and provide proper nutrition for Macneill's Assessor Basslet.
Macneill's Assessor Basslets are carnivores and mainly eat zooplankton and other planktonic life in the wild. In an aquarium environment, they should be fed a variety of meaty food items such as live, frozen, freeze-dried, and vitamin enriched brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, chopped krill, amphipods, copepods, cyclops, chopped squid, chopped fish, and chopped crab meat. They will also readily accept carnivore/omnivore (Spirulina based) pellets and flake foods. They should be fed twice a day and only what they consume within a few minutes.

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