Home Marine Fish Triggerfish Species Profiles Titan Triggerfish
Titan Triggerfish
(Balistoides viridescens)
Quick Care Facts
• Care Level: Easy • Temperament: Aggressive • Maximum Size: 30"
• Minimum Tank Size: 600 gallons • Water Conditions: 72-79° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
• Diet: Carnivore • Origin: Indo-Pacific
• Family: Balistidae • Species: Triggerfish • Aquarium Type: Predatory

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Native Habitat and Species Information
Titan Triggerfish native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.
Titan Triggerfish (Balistoides viridescens) are found living throughout the lagoons and shallow reefs of the Indo-Pacific. The Titan Trigger is by far the largest Triggerfish found within the marine aquarium hobby, reaching lengths upwards of 26 to 30 inches. Titan Triggers are very aggressive and have evolved as an apex predator within their natural habitat.
They bring this apex predator attitude to the aquarium as well, which when combined with there very large size makes them generally only suitable for species only aquariums. Hobbyists with extremely large aquariums of 1000 gallons or more may be able to keep a Titan Trigger with other very large aggressive species; however, success would really depend on a case by case situation.
Hobbyists with very large aquariums looking to keep a species only setup will find that the Titan Trigger is very personable, inquisitive and also very intelligent (for a fish). Overall the Titan Trigger is easy to care for; however, they do have specific needs in regards to aquarium size and strong filtration.
Aquarium Care
How to successfully keep Titan Triggerfish in the home aquarium.
Simply put Titan Triggers grow to be very large fish that require equally large aquariums in order to thrive. An adult Titan Trigger will reach upwards of 26 to 30 inches in length and close to 12 inches in height. Adult specimens will require an aquarium that is at least 8 x 4 x 3 feet in order to have adequate space.
Along with a very large aquarium, Titan Triggers require very strong mechanical and biological filtration to keep up with their messy eating habits and the large bio-load produced by such a large fish. Both wet/dry filtration and protein skimming should be utilized along with some form of nitrate removal either through water changes or the use of a nitrate removal solution.
Aquarium decor will me limited to live rock, base rock and fossil coral skeletons as Titan Triggers will view all corals and invertebrates as a food item. Larger rocks are recommended since Titan Triggers will both move rocks around and dig in the substrate extensively.
Suitable tank mates will consist of only other very large fish species, and only in very large aquariums. Most hobbyists will need to keep adult Titan Triggers in a species only setup due to tank size requirements. Care should be taken when working within the aquarium containing an adult Titan Trigger, as they will see the aquarium as their territory and will defend it with their sharp and powerful teeth.
While not suitable for the average hobbyist, Titan Triggers are an amazing specimen for hobbyists with large aquariums looking for a very unique and intelligent fish specimen.
Feeding & Nutrition
How to feed and provide proper nutrition for Titan Triggerfish.
In the wild Titan Triggerfish feed on a variety of shellfish, urchins, crustaceans, small fish and corals. They will not think twice in rearranging rock work or overturning aquarium decor in order to search for possible meals. The Titan Trigger has an appetite to match their size, which combined with being a relatively messy eater puts a real strain on the biological filtration of any aquarium.
It is best to feed them smaller meals multiple times per day and monitor their overall girth to determine the ideal feeding frequency. They should be fed a variety of marine based meaty foods to ensure that they receive a balanced diet of vitamins and minerals. Recommended foods include: squid, clams, shelled shrimp, chopped fish, mussels, urchins, shelled crustaceans and other similar meaty items.

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