Home Marine Invertebrates Shrimp Species Profiles Red Snapping Shrimp
Red Snapping Shrimp
(Alpheus sp.)
Quick Care Facts
• Care Level: Easy • Temperament: Peaceful • Maximum Size: 2"
• Diet: Omnivore • Aquarium Level: Substrate & Rocks • Minimum Tank Size: 12 gallons
• Reef Compatible: Yes • Water Conditions: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025
• Supplements: Calcium, Magnesium, Iodine, Trace Elements • Coloration: Red, Purple, Orange, White
• Origin: Indo-Pacific, Japan • Family: Alpheidae • Species: Shrimp

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Native Habitat and Species Information
Red Snapping Shrimp native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.
The Red Snapping Shrimp is also commonly referred to as the Symbiosis Shrimp and Pistol Shrimp. Red Snapping Shrimp are found in a variety of colorations and can vary in size a fair amount. Red Snapping Shrimp are not easily sexed, but the males of many species are thought to have a larger pincher.
This species gets its name from the sound it makes comes from an appendage on the pincher which moves when the pincher is opened or closed and water is ejected. The Red Snapping Shrimp can be easily confused with Mantis Shrimp if judged by sound only, but unlike the Mantis Shrimp, it is not harmful and will not pose any threat to other tank inhabitants, with the possible exception of smaller shrimp.
Like other shrimp species, the Red Snapping Shrimp is an excellent scavenger and will help keep the aquarium clean and free of excess foodstuffs rotting on the substrate.
Aquarium Care
How to successfully keep Red Snapping Shrimp in the home aquarium.
The name Symbiotic Shrimp comes from the equally beneficial relationship the Red Snapping Shrimp has with gobies (e.g.;Amblyeleotris or Stonogobiops). The goby, with better eyesight, warns the shrimp of predators, while the Red Snapping Shrimp share its food with the goby. Depending upon the species, Red Snapping Shrimp may also have symbiotic relationships with sponges, corals, or anemones (e.g.; Bartholomea annulata).
This species thrives in environments with sand, rock caves, and dim lighting. Also if kept in pairs, one will often stand guard at the burrow while the other is inside. The Red Snapping Shrimp is intolerant of copper or high nitrate levels, but needs a correct level of iodine in the water to promote proper molting.
Feeding & Nutrition
How to feed and provide proper nutrition for Red Snapping Shrimp.
Red Snapping Shrimp will readily feed on freeze-dried and frozen foods and bottom feeder tablets, as well as scavenge for algae in the aquarium. Along with scavenging and keeping the tank free of excess food, this species is beneficial to the aquarium in that it churns the sand looking for food which helps keep the sand bottom free of dead spots.

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